Wednesday, July 16, 2014



Guide Introduction

In this guide I will discuss a Support Item / Aura babysitter supportive role for bottom lane. Your job is to buy the majority of the wards and get map control with Vision Ward and Oracle's elixir, feed all/most of the minions to your lane partner, try to zone out the enemy from getting last hits and exp, and try to support your team in any way possible.

This type of build won't net you many kills since you don't have great damage. Support Sonna is not a DPS carry. You rely on your teammates to protect you and do the killing while you buff them. However, even though you don't do much damage in the late game, your early game damage is pretty good. If you can afford to be aggressive in lane, you've pretty much won that lane.

Your ideal score would be 0 kills, 0 deaths, and a lot of assists. Taking kills from your carries is not preferred. But sometimes, you have no choice - kill them immediately or risk your carry of dying. You shouldn't be killed as much because you'll be behind the back row in most team fights, and wards should be safe to place if you use Clairvoyance . However, do not hesitate for a moment to sacrifice yourself to save an ally. Your death means less to the enemy team than your carry's death.

During team fights, your biggest contribution will be your ult, Crescendo. Knowing when and where to use it is crucial. Typically, you will want to trap as many people as possible, but there are exceptions. You may want to save it for an assassin that jumps onto your carries. You may want to save it to stun the enemy jungler to prevent him from using Smite on Baron Nashor so your team can steal it. You may want to save it for Fiddlesticks that's charging his ult or Katarina, etc. You may want to save it for the enemy Jax behind your team even though the rest of the enemy team is in front of you. It all really depends on what your team needs. Do not be afraid to use Flash to get into position quicker.


Summoner Spells


Flash is the ultimate "get away from me" / positioning ability. A great defense spell. If they dive onto you, you just Flash out of the way while your team focuses on that person.

Flash can also be used offensively to chase people down after a winning team fight, or a surprise Flash into ult for an easy kill. Or you can tower dive and Flash out of tower range before the tower kills you.

Don't be afraid to do Flash, Crescendo in team fights if you have to. That 0.5 second delay could cost the team fight. It is better to stun your opponents before they get a chance to use their skills. This way their spells aren't already ticking off of cooldowns while they're stunned. Flash can give you the positional advantage to do this.

You can also do Song of Celerity, Flash, Power Chord to chase and slow.


A lot of supports are starting to carry these summoners spells now to assist their carry to win bottom lane, and help in team fights later on in the game. Don't be afraid to use this at level 1 when invading to secure a kill. Slow them so it takes longer for them to walk to a wall and Flash over.


Less and less support get this due lane aggression, and the fact that most of the time Clairvoyance doesn't have that much of an impact in major team fights. And people are learning to buy and use wards. But it can still be used. Use it to scout for level 1 ganks. Use it to follow the enemy jungler around. Use it in team fights or ganks so they can't bush juke. Use it to safely place wards. Use it to protect someone pushing a tower. Use it to scout Baron when they killed your Baron ward. Use it for Nocturne's ult. You should always use Clairvoyance at 0:09 into the game between the enemy summoner platform stairs and the enemy nexus to scout their direction and starting items.


Passive: Power Chord
After casting 3 spells, Sona's next attack deals 8 damage + 10 x lvl in bonus magic and a bonus effect depending on Sona's last song played.

Additionally, Sona's Auras persist for 1 seconds after deactivating and set off a 0.5 second global cooldown.

Always keep track of what aura you have on before using your Power Chord. This could mean the difference between a kill or a death. And keep in mind that Power Chord will not release if you are silenced.

The 0.5 second global cooldown is reducible with CDR items, bringing it to a minimum of ??? seconds. This cooldown also applies to spells already on a cooldown. Let's say you have -0% CDR and cast Hymn of Valor and it has 0.5 seconds left on the cooldown; casting another song will bump Hymn of Valor's cooldown back up to 2 seconds. It's this portion of the passive that disables you from having all three auras up at the same time. ???

It's also a good idea to spam your spells to get Power Chord when you want to kill something quickly like Nexus/Tower/Inhibitor/Baron/Dragon.

 Q: Hymn of Valor
Persistent Aura: Sona plays the Hymn of Valor, increasing nearby allied champions Attack Damage and Ability Power by 4/8/12/16/20.

Activation: Sona fires bolts of sound, dealing 50/100/150/200/250 (+70% ability power) magic damage to the nearest two enemies (prioritizes champions).

Power Chord - Stacatto: Deals double power chord damage.

Cooldown 7 Seconds
Cost 45/50/55/60/65 Mana
Range 700
Aura Radius 1000

You should get this skill at level 1 and charge up your Power Chord passive while going to scout for your jungler.

It has pretty large range and prioritizes enemy champions over minions.

Be sure to have this passive on when you want to push or kill something quickly.

IMPORTANT: Hymn of Valor does not reveal you if you use it while hidden in a bush! You can abuse this so hard early game.

Also keep in mind that if you're doing your two hit combo (auto-attack+Hymn of Valor), you should always start your auto-attack (or Power Chord) and then activate Hymn of Valor afterwards instead of Hymn of Valor -> auto-attack. This is because when you activate a song, it Sona does an animation and cannot auto-attack until the animation is over.

The Power Chord bonus is great for early harassment.

W: Aria of Perseverance
Persistent Aura: Sona plays the Aria of Perseverance, increasing nearby allied champions Armor and Magic Resist by 3/6/9/12/15.

Activation: Sona sends out healing melodies, healing Sona and the most wounded nearby allied champion by 40/60/80/100/120 (+25% ability power) and inspiring them to receive an additional 8/11/14/17/20 Armor and Magic Resist for 3 seconds.

Power Chord - Diminuendo: Debuffs the target to deal 20% less damage for 4 seconds.

Cooldown 7 Seconds
Cost 60/65/70/75/80 Mana
Range 1000
Aura Radius 1000

If your lane partner is at full health and you have a Health Potion, don't use this skill to heal yourself. It's a waste of mana. Use your Health Potion, and use your mana to harass with Hymn of Valor.

You should also try to time the activation of Aria of Perseverance to make use of that double aura bonus. During early laning phase, you don't need to time it if you or your ally is at full health because you can just use that mana to heal it back up; in mid or late game, you might have to against a heavy damage hit. Even though you cannot aim it, you can try to target your initiator before he goes in for that extra defense. Very useful early game when taking tower hits.

Try to target your Power Chord bonus on the enemy AD/AP carries during team fights. You can also use this on dragon or Baron Nashor!

 E: Song of Celerity
Persistent Aura: Sona plays the Song of Celerity, granting nearby allied champions 4/8/12/16/20 bonus Movement Speed.

Activation: Sona energizes nearby allies, granting them 6/8/10/12/14% Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds.

Power Chord - Tempo: Slows the target by 40% for 2 seconds

Cooldown 7 Seconds
Cost 65 Mana
Range 1000
Aura Radius 1000

If you can afford the mana, you should be constantly activating this skill when traveling across the map. This active also affects minions so spam this if you want to push quickly.

Keep your Power Chord bonus in mind when chasing enemies or running away.

 R: Crescendo
Sona plays her ultimate chord, forcing enemy champions in a line in front of her to dance, taking 150/250/350 (+80% ability power) magic damage over 1.5 seconds.

Cooldown 140/120/100 Seconds
Cost 100/150/200 Mana
Range 1000

This is your only form of hard CC and it's your ult so use it well! You can use it offensively to get kills or defensively to save allies. Generally you want to try to target as many enemies as possible with Crescendo but you need to keep a few things in mind. It's always better to Crescendo their carries rather than tanks or supports, and it's sometimes better to use Crescendo to on enemies like (Akali or Talon) that are diving onto your carries to pick them off.

Also note that this spell does not hit minions, so don't try to use it to last hit and steal Baron Nashor or dragon.


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