In this guide i try to explore two things, 1 ease in playing, 2 adapting to variable change.
Playing the game for fun is well and good, but when your on edge with 1 hit point to go before your die on your first rounds in the jungle, life can get a bit hectic i try to simplify everything.
Luckily Warwick is one of the strongest junglers when it comes to surviving jungle monsters.
Thinking outside the box and planning on your, your team mates and your enemys actions is what makes league of legends such a great game, pulling out some random move that wrecks the opponent is why were all here. Sadly most of the planning side comes from experience, however i will try to shed some light on the general thought process and hopefully help you to think the same!
Warwick needs to invade, be it wraiths or more, his initial jungle is quite slow and this just helps him keep up.
if the jungler starts red, u can also steal there blue buff.
Step 1 - Buy your items and run for their wraith bush and ward it.
Step 2 - take wraiths (leave 1 wraith and if you have time take there red, (giving redbuff to top and mid is an excellent way of making up for warwicks late ganks.
Note:- Vs Leesin/mundos blue can be taken the same way, tho riskier if your blue side as the adc or support usually still scouts it, use your ward in the bush that sees golem, hope u dont get seen.
After this, run to wolves, blue, wraiths, wolves, red, golems wraith, so-on.
NOTE:- Some junglers' are fast with the new smiteless leash, some junglers can realise you stole their red, run to your blue and jack it faster then you can take down wolves, pay attention to your ward!!
If they see that you have taken there jungle and run straight for your red, (your ward will see this)
Just rally your lanes and get first blood :).
Besides this, Jungle as hard and as fast as you can, keep watch of over extended lames or close 1v1s u could jump on.
(before level 6 look for sure things, or only gank with red, wasting time at this level will result in really bad delays in your power at 6)
Once your 6 start ganking with ult.
(When their is 20-15 seconds left on the cooldown start maping out your next gank)
"if you fail to plan, you plan to fail" MyGeoTeacher. (i failed lol)
Team Fights.
If you can engage with ult, that's great, watch out for CC tho.
(Rare occasions: Use your ult as a flash. I was on the wrong side of a wall, i ulted a person with a banshess vale just to get to the other side, some calls are right for the wrong reasons)
If not try to run at the adc or ap, Q constantly to keep up health and Ult later after the CC is gone.
The Perfect Ult would be Q W R Q, getting the first Q off, allows you to do some damage, W allows team mates to inflict as much damage as they can, and finishing with a Q can usually get you a kill :D!
If your at really low health, sit in the back line spaming W and Q.
Just like critplank if you know what i mean. (his is Q E tho)
Dragon:- Around 7-8 mins you should be on your first back, picking up madreds razor and boots a pink ward and a couple of potions. Pink dragon and gank bot, with help from them you should easily be able to take down dragon.
Baron Nashor:- after your core items, baron becomes easy to tank, however your going to want your team there for damage and safety.
The right time for baron comes with experience, after a strong ace, or after they push your base for too long, if they back as your team comes up, its an excellent time to take that desperate baron to win the game.
(if you want to rush Barron early get some armor and life steal even just a chain vest can make a whole lot of difference)
In this guide i try to explore two things, 1 ease in playing, 2 adapting to variable change.
Playing the game for fun is well and good, but when your on edge with 1 hit point to go before your die on your first rounds in the jungle, life can get a bit hectic i try to simplify everything.
Luckily Warwick is one of the strongest junglers when it comes to surviving jungle monsters.
Thinking outside the box and planning on your, your team mates and your enemys actions is what makes league of legends such a great game, pulling out some random move that wrecks the opponent is why were all here. Sadly most of the planning side comes from experience, however i will try to shed some light on the general thought process and hopefully help you to think the same!
Warwick needs to invade, be it wraiths or more, his initial jungle is quite slow and this just helps him keep up.
if the jungler starts red, u can also steal there blue buff.
Step 1 - Buy your items and run for their wraith bush and ward it.
Step 2 - take wraiths (leave 1 wraith and if you have time take there red, (giving redbuff to top and mid is an excellent way of making up for warwicks late ganks.
Note:- Vs Leesin/mundos blue can be taken the same way, tho riskier if your blue side as the adc or support usually still scouts it, use your ward in the bush that sees golem, hope u dont get seen.
After this, run to wolves, blue, wraiths, wolves, red, golems wraith, so-on.
NOTE:- Some junglers' are fast with the new smiteless leash, some junglers can realise you stole their red, run to your blue and jack it faster then you can take down wolves, pay attention to your ward!!
If they see that you have taken there jungle and run straight for your red, (your ward will see this)
Just rally your lanes and get first blood :).
Besides this, Jungle as hard and as fast as you can, keep watch of over extended lames or close 1v1s u could jump on.
(before level 6 look for sure things, or only gank with red, wasting time at this level will result in really bad delays in your power at 6)
Once your 6 start ganking with ult.
(When their is 20-15 seconds left on the cooldown start maping out your next gank)
"if you fail to plan, you plan to fail" MyGeoTeacher. (i failed lol)
Team Fights.
If you can engage with ult, that's great, watch out for CC tho.
(Rare occasions: Use your ult as a flash. I was on the wrong side of a wall, i ulted a person with a banshess vale just to get to the other side, some calls are right for the wrong reasons)
If not try to run at the adc or ap, Q constantly to keep up health and Ult later after the CC is gone.
The Perfect Ult would be Q W R Q, getting the first Q off, allows you to do some damage, W allows team mates to inflict as much damage as they can, and finishing with a Q can usually get you a kill :D!
If your at really low health, sit in the back line spaming W and Q.
Just like critplank if you know what i mean. (his is Q E tho)
Dragon:- Around 7-8 mins you should be on your first back, picking up madreds razor and boots a pink ward and a couple of potions. Pink dragon and gank bot, with help from them you should easily be able to take down dragon.
Baron Nashor:- after your core items, baron becomes easy to tank, however your going to want your team there for damage and safety.
The right time for baron comes with experience, after a strong ace, or after they push your base for too long, if they back as your team comes up, its an excellent time to take that desperate baron to win the game.
(if you want to rush Barron early get some armor and life steal even just a chain vest can make a whole lot of difference)
Eternal Thirst
Pretty much a free Doran's Blade
Gives you some pretty good sustain.
Hungering Strike
The power of AP Warwick
comes from this. 100% AP scaling should never be underestimated. And
guess what? It heals 80% of the damage it deals! Add 20% spell-vamp then
increase that heal by another 20%. What's this thing, dying, you keep
talking about?
Hunters Call
Better on AD Warwick. But it still helps on AP.
Blood Scent
Helps chase down enemies. Make sure it's off when ganking until you
actually go in. Otherwise it might alert the enemy that you are near.
Infinite Duress
Awesome ult. Basically a stun that also gives
Hungering Strike
time to come off of CD. Great for stalling damage. Be careful using
this though. You can still die while ulting and all disables stop Warwick.
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