Monday, July 7, 2014



Pros / Cons: Strength and Weakness!


    High burst damage.

    Low Cool Downs.

    Amazing Chaser/Ganker.

    Ultimate Mid Lane Champion.

    Great escape.

    Akali excels at killing weaker characters. Let your team initiate and then strike at the people in the back.

Akali Strengths: Trying to 1vs1 a low health opponent(Squishy) is almost a sure kill.


    Akali is a very squishy champion

    No crowd control.

    Stuns, Snares, Silences will destroy Akali.

    Struggles in 5vs5 team fights. (Because most likely she will get focused)

Akali Weakness: A tank with Oracles in an organized team fights. If that happens Akali has a hard time trying to help in team fights.


The Introduction

Akali, is in my eyes, one of the biggest game changers in this game if used correctly. Akali has one of the best burst damage outputs in the game; however, she is easily countered with an oracle or vision ward. I usually mid Akali, because after she hits 6 it is impossible for most other champions in the game to compete with her in mid lane. Akali can easily control or sustain her lane due to her passives and her stealth. Due to this Akali gets banned in ranked games quiet often. If you can snowball early, then it is nearly impossible for the oposing team to stop you.

Hybrid? - She is an Ability Power champion.Riot maybe intended for her to be a hybrid champion, even with her suggested item build, but this is not really that true all of her skills are scaled to ap, ; however is the only one(besides her basic attack that is scaled ad) but even it has ap damage.

Burst Damage or DPS? - Akali is a massive burst damage champ, not an auto attacking melee DPS champ, so she should be built to focus on that. She could arguably have the highest burst damage of all champs, with her damage bursts rolling in waves that repeat more frequently than other burst damage casters like Kassadin, Ryze, or Annie. Never ever confuse her with an auto attacking melee DPS monster like Jax/Yi/Tryndamere.

Top Lane: (Shoes based on heavy AD champs)

With the above build, You have outrageous sustain in top lane, even Vs. a heavy ad champ like Garen/Renekton

Mid Lane: (Shoes based on heavy AP/CC)

The above build can be Switched, if not a lot off CC mid instead of Banshees Veil grab


Starting Items for both Top/Mid:

This may sound dumb starting with 5 health pots, and 4 sight wards, but your Sustain is outrageous!!

In a top lane you can out-sustain anybody you lane agasint.

On your 1st time back in a top lane grab: (This allows you for even more sustain) and NEVER FORGET TO BUY . Grab boots and your 2nd time back then eventually grab: depending on if you are snowballing or not.



DISCIPLINE OF FORCE: Akali's auto attacks deal 6% (+ 1% per 6 AP) bonus magic damage.
DISCIPLINE OF MIGHT: Akali gains 6% (+ 1% per 6 bonus AD) spell vamp.

Q: Mark of the Assassin

ACTIVE: Akali throws her kama at a target enemy, dealing magic damage and marking the target for 6 seconds.
Akali's basic attacks or Crescent Slashes against a marked target will consume the mark, dealing additional magic damage again and restoring energy.

W: Twilight Shroud

ACTIVE: Akali creates a vision-granting smoke cloud in a 300-radius area for 8 seconds. While within the cloud, Akali is stealthed and gains bonus Armor and Magic Resistance. Attacking or using abilities reveals her for 0.65 seconds. Enemies inside the smoke are slowed.

E: Crescent Slash

ACTIVE: Akali flourishes her kamas, dealing physical damage and triggering any Marks of the Assassin on nearby enemies.
PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 (+ 30% AP) (+ 60% AD)

R: Shadow Dance

ACTIVE: Akali uses an Essence of Shadow, dashing to and dealing magic damage to a target enemy. Akali gains an Essence of Shadow periodically, affected by cooldown reduction, up to a maximum of 3. Additionally, gaining a kill or assist will restore an Essence of Shadow.


Early Game

When your a solo lane(like mid or top) use your Q to last hit but after you get your shroud, you can back off the other person mid so you can farm a little more while they can't. After getting your Q, W, and E, you can now farm like no other while midding early game. I have been out CS'ing other champions mid with Akali very easily due to pushing them away with her shroud, and pokeing them with your Q. After throwing your shroud down, other champiosn are hesitant to come toward it, but if they are staying around it poke them with your Q, because most people know once marked with it, they know better to back off to avoid the bonus damage. Use your W to escape ganks, I always get my W for my second skill to escape and avoid danger early game.

If you mark a enemy champion with your Q, they will most likely back off from you when you throw the shroud, due to the bonus damage it does once you hit them while they are marked.


Mid Game

Akali mid game(Once you have gotten your ) can easily jungle, so while you pushed mid to the enemies turret with your minion wave, you can start taking down wraiths and wolves for more gold. When mid game does come around I start utilizing her ganking abilities, I can easily travel to top or bott, since my shroud will help me avoid danger(If encountered on your way to gank). Akali's allows you to jump into the scene of a fight, which is ideal for ganking.
With akali's new buff to shroud you can see through bushes or dark places, so now you can farm even easier while in mid lane.

This game I went 31/2/2, and only 148 CS, but I was way to busy demolishing the other team. The one negative game you see is me straying away from the build I made up. With the build i've been using i've went 139/26 in the past 8 games. you can look me and and have a gander for yourself.
Late Game


Late Game

Once late game does start, when everyone is finally starting to team fight and set up for baron, Akali is first an assassin not just a carry. When a team fight is initiated(Once your tank and team start fighting) throw your shroud near the back of the enemy team(Where the ad/ap carry is for safety) and burst them down. Akali can burst down ashe or karthus in a matter of seconds. After you get these kills your Essence of Shadow is restored. So while your getting kills or assists, you can recharge your ult and keep mowing down other enemy champions. If their ad carry flashes out, simply ult to catch back up to them and finish the kill, because you restored another Essence of Shadow and now you can ult back into the fight. Remember mid and late game you will be focused hard, but with your you can stay safe, but don't ever initiate a team fight, because you will die instantly, let your tank and other initiate then your assassin will truly show in the fight.

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