Wednesday, December 3, 2014




A brief and basic guide for the latest marksman added in patch 4.20. In this guide will contain the general items and build path required. I am a Diamond EUW player so i am hoping my knowledge can help you guys :)

Kalista is a champion with high mobility and an even higher skillcap. I feel to master this champion it will take a while but she seems extremely fun and a very good pick into a teamfight composition.

Tested triforce, worked great,

Note: The skills box isn't showing for me at the moment. Will try to fix as soon as possible. Still isn't showing up -.-


Summoner Sets

Flash & Heal
What i usually run. Gives you a bit of HP and a cheeky speed boost. Standard for ADC's atm.

Flash & Barrier
Can help survive vs someone like Zed etc. works well when ignited as grievous wounds reduces all incoming healing effects. Barrier if timed right can stop a few ticks of an ignite potentially saving your life :)

Flash & Cleanse
If they have a lot of crowd control. I would very rarely take this unless they literally have like Malz, Amumu and Leona on one team.

Early Game
Try to poke as much as possible with your 550 range, and feel free to use E as a way to last hit if needed.. Try not to go all in without some help from your support, because Kalista is extremely squishy early on.

You WILL need to rely on your support for the early game.. a good support means a good laning phase for Kalista

Mid Game
Once you get a few of your items, you will have a little more room for error against tough matchups, but be careful of Vayne still, as she will rush a Blade of the Ruined King... She will kill you in a duel... be careful.

Against other opponents, you should pretty easily out damage and out CC them, so keep on them as much as possible.

Late Game
Be sure to stick with your team. Your Rend active will allow for cleanups after fights and her ult is a great way to initiate and also sway a team fight in your favor..
Remember to use your ult accordingly, if you see a team fight turning south, don't be afraid to pull your Oathsworn target out of enemy hands and leapfrog them away.
Same thing as above, be sure to use your ult during team fights. It will be deadly with a Yasuo ult, so be sure to try to stack it whenever he is on your team.

Also, your E is a amazing tool for cleanup.. So use it to your advantage, as killing an extra player after an even fight can easily score you an objective.


Saturday, August 2, 2014




  • Very strong laning phase vs most melee champions
  • Highly mobile, can apply insane pressure top lane and still get away
  • Very hard to flat out counterpick
  • Very strong mid game if you're not behind. Wins pretty much every matchup by level 11.
  • Even if you're behind, you can still always splitpush

  • Can be vulnerable pre 6 to strong ganks and/or tough lane matchups
  • She gets outscaled by a lot of top laners making her vulnerable to the classic "win lane, lose game"
  • Her sustain is very mana hungry
  • One of the only champions that completely lacks cc, other tops have better teamfight presence (somewhat fixed by Iceborn Gauntlet)


Summoner Spells

Flash is great for being able to stay safe in early lane because of the relatively short distance to tower and instant reaction time to avoid skillshots/cc's. It will always be standard because of the ability to go through impassable terrain that's even longer than the actual range of the spell.

Unless you severely outplay your opponent, you need ignite for kill potential in lane. Not much else to be said. Take it if you want to kill your lane. Leave it if you don't.

Exhaust & Flash
Flash is great for being able to stay safe in early lane because of the relatively short distance to tower and instant reaction time to avoid skillshots/cc's. It will always be standard because of the ability to go through impassable terrain that's even longer than the actual range of the spell.

In lane, exhaust can help you survive all-ins but flash is far better for offensive potential. exhaust mostly shines in teamfights where you can exhaust a high damage target diving your backline like Rengar, Tryndamere.

Flash & Barrier
Flash  is great for being able to stay safe in early lane because of the relatively short distance to tower and instant reaction time to avoid skillshots/cc's. It will always be standard because of the ability to go through impassable terrain that's even longer than the actual range of the spell.

Barrier can be great in any build to survive hard lanes. This is especially effective vs executes like Darius. Pantheon.

By taking barier you give up pretty much all kill potential and are expecting to not lose lane the best you can and make it to midgame. This is basically the definition of top lane AP nid.

However when playing AD nid it's more of taking the secure win without the snowball potential. This means more passively pushing people out of lane over time and taking towers, not snowballing off of kills.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014





This guide focuses on surviving the laning phase of the game with quickness and health regeneration while passively farming. Nasus can and will turn into a Hyper-Carry if you succeed in doing this. Therefore, it’s important to itemize accordingly. This guide will give you the tools by maximizing your CDR without sacrificing tank.

For those not familiar with Nasus: He can best be described as a top lane Off-Tank. The unique part of the Keeper is that he does not scale with attack damage or ability power much at all, but rather farm. Even when built full tank a heavily farmed Nasus will kill and put out more damage than anyone. We could even consider him somewhat of an Assassin. This is because if you are able to locate someone alone on the map, they are as good as dead with little chance of getting away due to Wither and built-in CDR. Needless to say, Nasus is a top notch 1v1 champion. If you are a person that has patience, hope, and a thing for being an unkillable wrecking dog: You need to play Unkillable Nasus!

Summoner Spells

Primary Set

This pair of skills give Nasus a safe early game, and unrivaled kill potential in team fights. If you remove a champions main weakness he becomes strong, and that is what these two do for Nasus.

Teleport & Ghost
This set is an old favorite of Nasus players and for good reason. This is because it synergizes with the type of game Nasus wants to have. There is nothing more important to Nasus than farm, and these summoners give him the opportunity to attain it in several ways. Have you taken too much damage to keep laning? Go ahead to base and teleport back in time to catch the minion wave at your tower. Does your team want to do an early dragon? Nasus' ultimate is one of the best abilities to do dragon with, and teleport makes it possible and still get back to your lane. Remember, Nasus has a weak early game but that doesn't mean he can't help get kills. If you notice bottom lane is pushed with your teams ward behind them, go ahead and teleport gank down and get a double kill. Lastly, this ability allows Nasus to split push the entire game, allowing Siphoning Strike to become overwhelmingly strong. So as you can see, this set has it's uses. However, you won't be quite as mobile as the first set, and taking it against certain junglers can be a gamble. In particular Jarvin and others with gap closers.


When to pick Nasus?

I feel Nasus has more laning options than others do, but there's no question that he should be picked with discretion. This is because Nasus has a fragile early game and it can be exploited if you aren't careful. If you aren't sure how a lane against a champion may go, keep these things in mind.

Generally speaking, Nasus prefers a few things in his lane enemies:

1. Melee (To be in range of his attacks/ultimate and have no ranged harass)
2. Mana (Limits the amount of harass that can be given to Nasus)
3. Auto Attacks (Nasus is a direct counter to AA champions with )

It's my opinion that Nasus should always be selected if you have a favorable lane matchup to farm in no matter the team compositions. This is because a farmed Nasus can rip through and shut down any enemy ADC in team fights. This is significant because that is the source of most of a team's damage. Almost every team has to have an ADC, and nothing is more frustrating for them than to sit there not putting out damage.

Having said that, it does help when both teams contain certain team compositions that can help reduce the effect of Nasus main weakness. The important words here are : Crowd Control. Nasus needs all the crowd control and initiation he can get from his team, and the least amount from the enemy team. This is because Nasus can be kited hard in team fights if no one can be locked down. If at all possible, having champions like Amumu in Nasus' team will greatly enhance his ability to kill.

When these things come togethor, you'll notice Nasus has "god-like" games because his ability kit is made for carrying late. Simply put, Nasus is THE counter to all attack damage carries and high HP bruisers.

Friday, July 25, 2014





I picked up Leona at around September 2012 when I got really bored of playing Blitzcrank. After playing around 300+ games with her, I fell in love with her aggressive playstyle, and really like how she could remain incredibly effective throughout all stages of the game. Not only is she a fantastic support champion, but she also transitions pretty well into a tank/bodyguard with her toolkit. Overall, if you are looking for a very aggressive, reliable support champion, then Leona is perfect for you!

In this guide, I am going to discuss how to play Leona as a support champion on Summoner's Rift. If there is enough interest, I can write about how to play her in Dominion.

I apologize in advance for the crappy video demonstrations. I use a Mac and don't have LoLrecorder, so I had to scrape what I could find from streamed games.

  • High CC with Shield of Daybreak + Solar Flare.
  • Free tankiness with Eclipse.
  • High damage output with Sunlight.
  • Great initiation with Zenith Blade + Solar Flare
  • Highest base mana regen in the entire game
  •  Very good pairing with almost every ADC in the game

  • Melee, so you're going to get poked
  • If you miss your Zenith Blade, you're a sitting duck in lane and you're going to get poked
    • Once you go in, you have to commit since you have 0 disengage. And if you got poked, you're not going to have too much hp.
    • Because you can't proc your own Sunlight, Leona can't be played in others roles effectively except for support (and barely scraping by jungle)
    •  Loses 1 damage to people with sunglasses :(


    Summoner Spells

    This is definitely the best offensive summoner spell for you. Exhaust is 100% necessary to lock down a high priority enemy, and you're one of the best users for exhaust because you can get close to this target with Zenith Blade. Definitely have this around if they have hyper carries (Vayne, Kog'Maw) or if they have assassins (Zed, Kha'Zix)

    Flash is still one of the best summoners in the game. It can be your get-out-of-jail-free card if the enemy jungler comes to gank, or it could be your holla-holla-first blood-dolla card. If you are laning against an annoying map-finder girl like Ezreal, then use this offensively with Shield of Daybreak. This will make it a lot easier to land a follow-up Zenith Blade after the enemy tries to flash/dash away.

    Ignite is a lot worse than exhaust in teamfights since it's more effective to slow/reduce AS on the enemy ADC as opposed to doing a bit more damage. But if you 100% want to crush your lane because you want to snowball or play aggressive (like with Draven), then this is definitely a good option.


    Friday, July 18, 2014



    Spamhappy little guy that dishes out harsh poke and harass, and has one of the coolest ults in the game! Incredible AOE waveclearing and teamfight potential, especially in small spots and places on the map. Ziggs is a very good champion and can dish out horrendous turmoil and chaos for your enemies. Incredibly adorable too, if you like that kind of thing. :D

    • Consistent Damage
    • Amazing Waveclear
    • Wtf burst if you land everything correctly.
    • Long range ult nuke(literally) that can kill enemies from afar, or steal baron/dragon if timed right.
    • Constant poke that in my opinion rivals the old AP kog'maw
    • Runs out of mana easily
    • Not so reliable escape
    • Can lose a lot of damage in teamfights if you miss his skills
    • Lacks heavy CC outside of I guess a stun from the knockback of his satchel
    • Easy to dodge ult if not point blank.


    Summoner Spells

      Flash Great for escaping or repositioning for throwing more bombs to blow peoples faces off. What its regularly used for on almost everyone.
      Ignite Self explanatory for most ap mages, that little extra burst to kill your opponents, or to reduce healing of certain champs, like Swain/etc.

    Only other summoner spell I would even think of considering is Teleport, on the rare cases you find that Ignite wouldn't be of use or you could live without it.

      Teleport to protect turrets or to gank/cleanup other lanes from wards in bushes, great way to have control around the map if you know how/when to use it properly.


    Wednesday, July 16, 2014



    Guide Introduction

    In this guide I will discuss a Support Item / Aura babysitter supportive role for bottom lane. Your job is to buy the majority of the wards and get map control with Vision Ward and Oracle's elixir, feed all/most of the minions to your lane partner, try to zone out the enemy from getting last hits and exp, and try to support your team in any way possible.

    This type of build won't net you many kills since you don't have great damage. Support Sonna is not a DPS carry. You rely on your teammates to protect you and do the killing while you buff them. However, even though you don't do much damage in the late game, your early game damage is pretty good. If you can afford to be aggressive in lane, you've pretty much won that lane.

    Your ideal score would be 0 kills, 0 deaths, and a lot of assists. Taking kills from your carries is not preferred. But sometimes, you have no choice - kill them immediately or risk your carry of dying. You shouldn't be killed as much because you'll be behind the back row in most team fights, and wards should be safe to place if you use Clairvoyance . However, do not hesitate for a moment to sacrifice yourself to save an ally. Your death means less to the enemy team than your carry's death.

    During team fights, your biggest contribution will be your ult, Crescendo. Knowing when and where to use it is crucial. Typically, you will want to trap as many people as possible, but there are exceptions. You may want to save it for an assassin that jumps onto your carries. You may want to save it to stun the enemy jungler to prevent him from using Smite on Baron Nashor so your team can steal it. You may want to save it for Fiddlesticks that's charging his ult or Katarina, etc. You may want to save it for the enemy Jax behind your team even though the rest of the enemy team is in front of you. It all really depends on what your team needs. Do not be afraid to use Flash to get into position quicker.


    Summoner Spells


    Flash is the ultimate "get away from me" / positioning ability. A great defense spell. If they dive onto you, you just Flash out of the way while your team focuses on that person.

    Flash can also be used offensively to chase people down after a winning team fight, or a surprise Flash into ult for an easy kill. Or you can tower dive and Flash out of tower range before the tower kills you.

    Don't be afraid to do Flash, Crescendo in team fights if you have to. That 0.5 second delay could cost the team fight. It is better to stun your opponents before they get a chance to use their skills. This way their spells aren't already ticking off of cooldowns while they're stunned. Flash can give you the positional advantage to do this.

    You can also do Song of Celerity, Flash, Power Chord to chase and slow.


    A lot of supports are starting to carry these summoners spells now to assist their carry to win bottom lane, and help in team fights later on in the game. Don't be afraid to use this at level 1 when invading to secure a kill. Slow them so it takes longer for them to walk to a wall and Flash over.


    Less and less support get this due lane aggression, and the fact that most of the time Clairvoyance doesn't have that much of an impact in major team fights. And people are learning to buy and use wards. But it can still be used. Use it to scout for level 1 ganks. Use it to follow the enemy jungler around. Use it in team fights or ganks so they can't bush juke. Use it to safely place wards. Use it to protect someone pushing a tower. Use it to scout Baron when they killed your Baron ward. Use it for Nocturne's ult. You should always use Clairvoyance at 0:09 into the game between the enemy summoner platform stairs and the enemy nexus to scout their direction and starting items.

    Friday, July 11, 2014




    Who is Yasuo?

    In my Opinion Yasuo is one of the greates League of Legends Champions in the History. Yasuo is an AD Offtank Toplaner.

    You can play Yasuo in the Jungle and in the Midlane.

    Malphite,Janna and all those Knockup Ability's help Yasuo to ult the enemys. So if you have an Yasuo in your Team, Take a Champ who can Knockup the enemys.


    -High Damage Output!

    -Low Cooldowns.

    -Strong Mid/LateGame Champ

    -His Ability's dont need Mana/Energy/HP

    -Strong 1v1 Champion

    -AOE KnockupStun


    -Bad EarlyGame against Tank/Poke Champions like, Malphite/Kennen

    -CC Counters him Hard.
    -Need a KnockUp for his Ultimate


    Summoner Spells

    Flash & Ignite

    Flash/Ignite is actually a normal choice.

    Flash to safe you from a death, but you can Flash and E to the enemy and kill him when he is low, the most players dont expect those aggresive Flashes.

    Ignite to get the early/midgame kill potential .